Precision Livestock Farming

Precision Livestock Farming

Members Involved:

  • Stacey Scott (Faculty member)
  • Zayn Abbas (URA)
  • Open Master's and Ph.D. positions

Former members:

  • Ayoola Makinde (Master's student)
  • Muhammad Muhaimnul Islam (Master's student)
  • Fanny Susilo (PhD student)
  • Feerass Ellis (URA)
  • Eli-Henry Dykhne (URA)
  • Anemmeabasi Bassey (URA)
  • Kassidy Marsh (URA)
  • Dema Abu Adas (URA)

Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) is the intersection where smart technology and animal farming meet. PLF aims to find potential ways to improve the overall health and welfare of farm animals, efficiency and effectiveness of available farm resources, and also improve the usability and user experience of farm technologies for its human users (i.e. farmers, farm suppliers, veterinarians, regulatory boards, etc.). With the introduction of autonomous monitoring of farms through several Internet of Thinks (IoT) devices, continuous observation and monitoring of animals is made easier and more effective. 

Research in this area is highly interdiscinplinary. CSL members work with experienced animal scientists and farm specialists to better understand the technology needs of modern farms, and also to identify opportunities to improve existing technologies and invent new technologies. Sample ongoing projects include investigation of:
  • the usability of automated milking robots used in Canadian dairy farms, 
  • current adoption of PLF technologies in the beef industry, and
  • cognitive challenges of current notification systems used in PLF systems.

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