Cross-Device and Multi-Display Interfaces for supporting Group Work

Cross-Device and Multi-Display Interfaces for supporting Group Work


Cross-device environments(XDEs) have been developed to support a multitude of collaborative activities.Yet, little is known about how different cross-device interaction techniques impact group collaboration; including their impact on independent  and  joint work  that  often  occur during group work. In this project,  we explore the  impact  of two XDE data  browsing techniques:TOUCH and TILT. Through a mixed-methods study of a collaborative sensemaking task, we show that TOUCH and TILT have distinct impacts on how group accomplish,  and shift  between,independent and joint work. Finally,  we  reflect  on  these  findings  and  how they can more generally inform the design of XDEs. 

Meanwhile, Multi-Display interfaces provide people with both personal and shared workspaces to support various independent and collective tasks during group activities, exploring how existing interaction methods for cross‐device transfer, such as the Pick‐and‐Drop (P&D) method, can be adapted to table‐centric multi-surface environment settings. The study examined the use of device‐specific visual feedback to improve users' awareness of transferred content during P&D transfer. 

Relevant Publication(s):

Sasangohar, F., Scott, S.D., Cummings, M.L. (2014). Supervisory-level Interruption Recovery in Time-critical Control Tasks. Applied Ergonomics: Human Factors in Technology and Society (Elsevier), July 2014, 45 (4), 1148-1156 (available online February 28, 2014).

Homaeian, L., Goyal, N., Wallace, J.R., Scott, S.D. (2018). Group vs Individual: Impact of TOUCH and TILT Cross-Device Interactions on Mixed-Focus Collaboration. Proceedings of CHI 2018: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 21-26, 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada. (video preview on YouTubedoi)

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