CSL at CHI'13 in Paris, France

February 17, 2013
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The Collaborative Systems Lab will present 2 full-length research papers at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) in Paris, France during the week of April 27-May 2, 2013. One paper, "Collaborative Sensemaking on a Digital Tabletop and Personal Tablets: Prioritization, Comparisons, and Tableaux," reports on a study from Dr. Jim Wallace's Ph.D. dissertation that examines the role of shared and person displays in a collaborative sensemaking activity. The second paper, "Canyon: Providing Location Awareness of Multiple Moving Objects in a Detail View on Large Displays," introduces and evaluates a new information visualization technique for managing dynamic data in a detail-in-context view on a large display. This research was a collaborative effort between CSL and the Media Interaction Lab (MIL) in Hagenberg, Austria and was facilitated by the LEIF exchange program, which sponsored both Betty Chang from CSL to spend several months at MIL and Alex Ion from MIL to spend several months at CSL.
April 27, 2013 2:30PMMay 2, 2013 2:30PM Export

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